Source code for pyhafas.profile.vsn

import pytz

from pyhafas.profile import BaseProfile
from pyhafas.profile.vsn.requests.journey import VSNJourneyRequest

[docs]class VSNProfile(VSNJourneyRequest, BaseProfile): """ Profile for the HaFAS of "Verkehrsverbund Süd-Niedersachsen" (VSN) - local transportation provider """ baseUrl = "" defaultUserAgent = "vsn/5.3.1 (iPad; iOS 13.3; Scale/2.00)" salt = 'SP31mBufSyCLmNxp' addMicMac = True locale = 'de-DE' timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin') requestBody = { 'client': { 'id': 'VSN', 'v': '5030100', 'type': 'IPA', 'name': 'vsn', 'os': 'iOS 13.3' }, 'ver': '1.24', 'lang': 'de', 'auth': { 'type': 'AID', 'aid': 'Mpf5UPC0DmzV8jkg' } } availableProducts = { 'long_distance_express': [1], # ICE 'long_distance': [2], # IC/EC/CNL 'regional_express': [4], # RE/IR 'regional': [8], # NV 'suburban': [16], # S 'bus': [32], # BUS 'ferry': [64], # F 'subway': [128], # U 'tram': [256], # T 'anruf_sammel_taxi': [512] # Group Taxi } defaultProducts = [ 'long_distance_express', 'long_distance', 'regional_express', 'regional', 'suburban', 'bus', 'ferry', 'subway', 'tram', 'anruf_sammel_taxi' ]