Source code for pyhafas.profile.base.requests.trip

from pyhafas.profile import ProfileInterface
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.requests.trip import TripRequestInterface
from pyhafas.types.fptf import Leg
from pyhafas.types.hafas_response import HafasResponse

[docs]class BaseTripRequest(TripRequestInterface):
[docs] def format_trip_request(self: ProfileInterface, trip_id: str) -> dict: """ Creates the HaFAS request for a trip request :param trip_id: Id of the trip/leg :return: Request body for HaFAS """ return { 'req': { 'jid': trip_id }, 'meth': 'JourneyDetails' }
[docs] def parse_trip_request(self: ProfileInterface, data: HafasResponse) -> Leg: """ Parses the HaFAS data for a trip request :param data: Formatted HaFAS response :return: Leg objects """ return self.parse_leg( data.res['journey'], data.common, data.res['journey']['stopL'][0], data.res['journey']['stopL'][-1], self.parse_date(data.res['journey']['date']) )