Source code for pyhafas.profile.base.requests.location

from typing import List

from pyhafas.profile import ProfileInterface
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces import LocationRequestInterface
from pyhafas.types.fptf import Station
from pyhafas.types.hafas_response import HafasResponse

[docs]class BaseLocationRequest(LocationRequestInterface):
[docs] def format_location_request(self: ProfileInterface, term: str, rtype: str = 'S'): """ Creates the HaFAS request body for a location search request. :param term: Search term :param type: Result types. One of ['S' for stations, 'ALL' for addresses and stations] :return: Request body for HaFAS """ return { "req": { "input": { "field": "S", "loc": { "name": term, "type": rtype } } }, "meth": "LocMatch" }
[docs] def parse_location_request( self: ProfileInterface, data: HafasResponse) -> List[Station]: """ Parses the HaFAS response for a location request :param data: Formatted HaFAS response :return: List of Station objects """ stations = [] for stn in data.res['match']['locL']: try: latitude: float = stn['crd']['y'] / 1000000 longitude: float = stn['crd']['x'] / 1000000 except KeyError: latitude: float = 0 longitude: float = 0 stations.append( self.parse_lid_to_station( stn['lid'], stn['name'], latitude, longitude)) return stations