Source code for pyhafas.profile.base.requests.journeys

import datetime
from typing import Dict, List

from pyhafas.profile import ProfileInterface
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.requests.journeys import \
from pyhafas.types.fptf import Journey, Station, Leg
from pyhafas.types.hafas_response import HafasResponse

[docs]class BaseJourneysRequest(JourneysRequestInterface):
[docs] def format_journeys_request( self: ProfileInterface, origin: Station, destination: Station, via: List[Station], date: datetime.datetime, min_change_time: int, max_changes: int, products: Dict[str, bool], max_journeys: int ) -> dict: """ Creates the HaFAS request body for a journeys request :param origin: Origin station :param destination: Destionation station :param via: Via stations, maybe empty list) :param date: Date and time to search journeys for :param min_change_time: Minimum transfer/change time at each station :param max_changes: Maximum number of changes :param products: Allowed products (a product is a mean of transport like ICE,IC) :param max_journeys: Maximum number of returned journeys :return: Request body for HaFAS """ # TODO: find out, what commented-out values mean and implement options return { 'req': { 'arrLocL': [{ 'type': 'S', 'lid': 'A=1@L={}@'.format( }], 'viaLocL': [{ 'loc': { 'type': 'S', 'lid': 'A=1@L={}@'.format( } } for via_station in via], 'depLocL': [{ 'type': 'S', 'lid': 'A=1@L={}@'.format( }], 'outDate': date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), 'outTime': date.strftime("%H%M%S"), 'jnyFltrL': [ self.format_products_filter(products) ], 'minChgTime': min_change_time, 'maxChg': max_changes, 'numF': max_journeys, # 'getPasslist': False, # 'gisFltrL': [], # 'getTariff': False, # 'ushrp': True, # 'getPT': True, # 'getIV': False, # 'getPolyline': False, # 'outFrwd': True, # 'trfReq': { # 'jnyCl': 2, # 'cType': 'PK', # 'tvlrProf': [{ # 'type': 'E', # 'redtnCard': 4 # }] # } }, # 'cfg': { # 'polyEnc': 'GPA', # 'rtMode': 'HYBRID' # }, 'meth': 'TripSearch' }
[docs] def format_search_from_leg_request( self: ProfileInterface, origin: Leg, destination: Station, via: List[Station], min_change_time: int, max_changes: int, products: Dict[str, bool], ) -> dict: """ Creates the HaFAS request body for a journeys request :param origin: Origin leg :param destination: Destionation station :param via: Via stations, maybe empty list) :param min_change_time: Minimum transfer/change time at each station :param max_changes: Maximum number of changes :param products: Allowed products (a product is a mean of transport like ICE,IC) :return: Request body for HaFAS """ return { 'req': { 'arrLocL': [{ 'lid': 'A=1@L={}@'.format( }], 'viaLocL': [{ 'loc': { 'lid': 'A=1@L={}@'.format( } } for via_station in via], 'locData': { 'loc': { 'lid': 'A=1@L={}@'.format( }, 'type': 'DEP', 'date': origin.departure.strftime("%Y%m%d"), 'time': origin.departure.strftime("%H%M%S") }, 'jnyFltrL': [ self.format_products_filter(products) ], 'minChgTime': min_change_time, 'maxChg': max_changes, 'jid':, 'sotMode': 'JI' }, 'meth': 'SearchOnTrip' }
[docs] def parse_journeys_request( self: ProfileInterface, data: HafasResponse) -> List[Journey]: """ Parses the HaFAS response for a journeys request :param data: Formatted HaFAS response :return: List of Journey objects """ journeys = [] for jny in data.res['outConL']: # TODO: Add more data date = self.parse_date(jny['date']) journeys.append( Journey( jny['ctxRecon'], date=date, duration=self.parse_timedelta( jny['dur']), legs=self.parse_legs( jny, data.common, date))) return journeys