Source code for pyhafas.types.fptf

import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional

[docs]class Mode(Enum): """ FPTF `Mode` object The mode of a `Leg` specifies the general type of transport vehicle (it can also be a walking leg) """ TRAIN = 'train' BUS = 'bus' WATERCRAFT = 'watercraft' TAXI = 'taxi' GONDOLA = 'gondola' AIRCRAFT = 'aircraft' CAR = 'car' BICYCLE = 'bicycle' WALKING = 'walking' def __repr__(self): return '<%s.%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
[docs]class Station: """ FPTF `Station` object A station is a point where vehicles stop. It may be a larger building or just a small stop without special infrastructure. :ivar id: ID of the Station :vartype id: str :ivar name: Name of the Station (maybe `None`) :vartype name: Optional[str] :ivar latitude: Latitude coordinate of the Station (maybe `None`) :vartype latitude: Optional[float] :ivar longitude: Longitude coordinate of the Station (maybe `None`) :vartype longitude: Optional[float] """ def __init__( self, id: str, name: Optional[str] = None, latitude: Optional[float] = None, longitude: Optional[float] = None): """ FPTF `Station` object :param id: Internal ID of the station :param name: (optional) Name of the station. Defaults to None :param latitude: (optional) Latitude coordinate of the station. Defaults to None :param longitude: (optional) Longitude coordinate of the station. Defaults to None """ str = id Optional[str] = name self.latitude: Optional[float] = latitude self.longitude: Optional[float] = longitude def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs]class Stopover: """ FPTF `Stopover` object A stopover represents a vehicle stopping at a stop/station at a specific time. :ivar stop: Station where the vehicle is stopping :vartype stop: Station :ivar cancelled: Whether the stop is cancelled :vartype cancelled: bool :ivar arrival: Planned arrival date and time at the station (maybe `None`) :vartype arrival: Optional[datetime.datetime] :ivar arrivalDelay: Arrival delay at the station (maybe `None`) :vartype arrivalDelay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] :ivar arrivalPlatform: Real-time arrival platform at the station (maybe `None`) :vartype arrivalPlatform: Optional[str] :ivar departure: Planned departure date and time at the station (maybe `None`) :vartype departure: Optional[datetime.datetime] :ivar departureDelay: Departure delay at the station (maybe `None`) :vartype departureDelay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] :ivar departurePlatform: Real-time departure platform at the station (maybe `None`) :vartype departurePlatform: Optional[str] """ def __init__( self, stop: Station, cancelled: bool = False, arrival: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, arrival_delay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, arrival_platform: Optional[str] = None, departure: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, departure_delay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, departure_platform: Optional[str] = None, ): """ :param stop: Station where the vehicle is stopping :param cancelled: (optional) Whether the stop is cancelled. Defaults to `False` :param arrival: (optional) Planned arrival date and time at the station. Defaults to `None` :param arrival_delay: (optional) Arrival delay at the station. Defaults to `None` :param arrival_platform: (optional) Real-time arrival platform at the station. Defaults to `None` :param departure: (optional) Planned departure date and time at the station. Defaults to `None` :param departure_delay: (optional) Departure delay at the station. Defaults to `None` :param departure_platform: (optional) Real-time departure platform at the station. Defaults to `None` """ self.stop: Station = stop self.cancelled: bool = cancelled self.arrival: Optional[datetime.datetime] = arrival self.arrivalDelay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = arrival_delay self.arrivalPlatform: Optional[str] = arrival_platform self.departure: Optional[datetime.datetime] = departure self.departureDelay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = departure_delay self.departurePlatform: Optional[str] = departure_platform def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs]class Leg: """ FPTF `Leg` object A leg or also named trip is most times part of a journey and defines a journey with only one specific vehicle from A to B. :ivar id: ID of the Leg :vartype id: str :ivar origin: FPTF `Station` object of the origin station :vartype origin: Station :ivar destination: FPTF `Station` object of the destination station :vartype destination: Station :ivar departure: Planned Date and Time of the departure :vartype departure: datetime.datetime :ivar arrival: Planned Date and Time of the arrival :vartype arrival: datetime.datetime :ivar mode: Type of transport vehicle - Must be a part of the FPTF `Mode` enum. Defaults to `Mode.TRAIN` :vartype mode: Mode :ivar name: Name of the trip (e.g. ICE 123) (maybe `None`) :vartype name: Optional[str] :ivar cancelled: Whether the trip is completely cancelled (not only some stops) :vartype cancelled: bool :ivar distance: Distance of the walk trip in metres. Only set if `mode` is `Mode.WALKING` otherwise None :vartype distance: Optional[int] :ivar departureDelay: Delay at the departure station (maybe `None`) :vartype departureDelay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] :ivar departurePlatform: Real-time platform at the departure station (maybe `None`) :vartype departurePlatform: Optional[str] :ivar arrivalDelay: Delay at the arrival station (maybe `None`) :vartype arrivalDelay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] :ivar arrivalPlatform: Real-time platform at the arrival station (maybe `None`) :vartype arrivalPlatform: Optional[str] :ivar stopovers: List of FPTF `Stopover` objects (maybe `None`) :vartype stopovers: Optional[List[Stopover]] """ def __init__( self, id: str, origin: Station, destination: Station, departure: datetime.datetime, arrival: datetime.datetime, mode: Mode = Mode.TRAIN, name: Optional[str] = None, cancelled: bool = False, distance: Optional[int] = None, departure_delay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, departure_platform: Optional[str] = None, arrival_delay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, arrival_platform: Optional[str] = None, stopovers: Optional[List[Stopover]] = None ): """ FPTF `Leg` object :param id: Internal ID of the station :param origin: FPTF `Station` object of the origin station :param destination: FPTF `Station` object of the destination station :param departure: Planned date and Time of the departure :param arrival: Planned date and Time of the arrival :param mode: (optional) Type of transport vehicle - Must be a part of the FPTF `Mode` enum. Defaults to `Mode.TRAIN` :param name: (optional) Name of the trip (e.g. ICE 123). Defaults to None :param cancelled: (optional) Whether the trip is cancelled. Defaults to False :param distance: (optional) Distance of the walk trip in meters. Defaults to None :param departure_delay: (optional) Delay at the departure station. Defaults to None :param departure_platform: (optional) Real-time platform at the departure station. Defaults to None :param arrival_delay: (optional) Delay at the arrival station. Defaults to None :param arrival_platform: (optional) Platform at the arrival station. Defaults to None :param stopovers: (optional) List of FPTF `Stopover` objects. Defaults to None """ # Mandatory Variables = id self.origin: Station = origin self.destination: Station = destination self.departure: datetime.datetime = departure self.arrival: datetime.datetime = arrival # Optional Variables self.mode: Mode = mode Optional[str] = name self.cancelled: bool = cancelled self.distance: Optional[int] = distance self.departureDelay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = departure_delay self.departurePlatform: Optional[str] = departure_platform self.arrivalDelay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = arrival_delay self.arrivalPlatform: Optional[str] = arrival_platform self.stopovers: Optional[List[Stopover]] = stopovers def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs]class Journey: """ FPTF `Journey` object A journey is a computed set of directions to get from A to B at a specific time. It would typically be the result of a route planning algorithm. :ivar id: ID of the Journey :vartype id: str :ivar date: Starting date of the journey (maybe `None`) :vartype date: Optional[] :ivar duration: Duration of the complete journey (maybe `None`) :vartype duration: Optional[datetime.timedelta] :ivar legs: Longitude coordinate of the Station (maybe `None`) :vartype legs: Optional[List[Leg]] """ def __init__( self, id: str, date: Optional[] = None, duration: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, legs: Optional[List[Leg]] = None): """ FPTF `Journey` object :param id: Internal ID of the station :param date: (optional) Name of the station :param duration: (optional) Latitude coordinate of the station. Defaults to None :param legs: (optional) Longitude coordinate of the station. Defaults to None """ str = id Optional[] = date self.duration: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = duration self.legs: Optional[List[Leg]] = legs def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs]class StationBoardLeg: """ `StationBoardLeg` object Returned at Station Board-Requests. This requests do not have enough information for a FPTF `Leg` object. With the ID a `trip` request can be made to get detailed information about the trip :ivar id: ID of the Leg :vartype id: str :ivar name: Name of the trip (e.g. ICE 123) :vartype name: str :ivar direction: Direction text of the trip (e.g. Berlin Central Station) :vartype direction: str :ivar station: FPTF `Station` object of the departing/arriving station :vartype station: Station :ivar date_time: Planned Date and Time of the departure/arrival :vartype date_time: datetime.datetime :ivar cancelled: Whether the stop or trip cancelled :vartype cancelled: bool :ivar delay: Delay at the departure station (maybe `None`) :vartype delay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] :ivar platform: Real-time platform at the station (maybe `None`) :vartype platform: Optional[str] """ def __init__( self, id: str, name: str, direction: str, station: Station, date_time: datetime.datetime, cancelled: bool, delay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, platform: Optional[str] = None ): """ `StationBoardLeg` object :param id: ID of the Leg :param name: Name of the trip (e.g. ICE 123) :param direction: Direction text of the trip (e.g. Berlin Central Station) :param station: FPTF `Station` object of the departing/arriving station :param date_time: Planned Date and Time of the departure/arrival :param cancelled: Whether the stop or trip cancelled :param delay: (optional) Delay at the departure station. Defaults to `None` :param platform: (optional) Real-time platform at the station. Defaults to `None` """ str = id str = name self.direction: str = direction self.station: Station = station self.dateTime: datetime.datetime = date_time self.cancelled: bool = cancelled self.delay: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = delay self.platform: Optional[str] = platform def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__