Source code for pyhafas.profile.interfaces

from abc import ABC
from typing import Dict, List

import pytz

from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.helper.date_time import DateTimeHelperInterface
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.helper.format_products_filter import \
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.helper.parse_leg import ParseLegHelperInterface
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.helper.parse_lid import ParseLidHelperInterface
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.helper.request import RequestHelperInterface
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.requests.journey import JourneyRequestInterface
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.requests.journeys import \
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.requests.location import \
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.requests.station_board import \
from pyhafas.profile.interfaces.requests.trip import TripRequestInterface

[docs]class ProfileInterface( RequestHelperInterface, FormatProductsFilterHelperInterface, ParseLidHelperInterface, DateTimeHelperInterface, ParseLegHelperInterface, LocationRequestInterface, JourneyRequestInterface, JourneysRequestInterface, StationBoardRequestInterface, TripRequestInterface, ABC): """ The profile interface is the abstract class of a profile. It inherits all interfaces, so it has all methods a normal profile has available as abstract methods. Therefore it can be used as type hint for `self` in methods which are inherited by profiles. """ baseUrl: str """Complete http(s) URL to mgate.exe of the HaFAS deployment. Other endpoints are (currently) incompatible with pyHaFAS""" addMicMac: bool """Whether the mic-mac authentication method should be activated. Exclusive with `addChecksum`""" addChecksum: bool """Whether the checksum authentication method should be activated. Exclusive with `addMicMac`""" salt: str """(required if `addMicMac` or `addChecksum` is true). The salt for calculating the checksum or mic-mac""" locale: str """(used in future) Locale used for i18n. Should be an IETF Language-Region Tag Examples: """ timezone: pytz.tzinfo.tzinfo """Timezone HaFAS lives in. Should be a `pytz` `timezone` object""" requestBody: dict """Static part of the request body sent to HaFAS. Normally contains informations about the client and another authentication""" availableProducts: Dict[str, List[int]] """Should contain all products available in HaFAS. The key is the name the end-user will use, the value is a list of bitmasks (numbers) needed for the product. In most cases, this is only one number. This bitmasks will be add up to generate the final bitmask.""" defaultProducts: List[str] """List of products (item must be a key in `availableProducts`) which should be activated by default""" defaultUserAgent: str """(optional) User-Agent in header when connecting to HaFAS. Defaults to pyhafas. A good option would be the app ones. Can be overwritten by the user.""" userAgent: str """(optional) Do not change, unless you know what you're doing. Disallows the user to change the user agent. For usage in internal code to get the user-agent which should be used."""