Source code for pyhafas.client

import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from pyhafas.profile import ProfileInterface
from pyhafas.types.fptf import Journey, Leg, Station, StationBoardLeg
from pyhafas.types.station_board_request import StationBoardRequestType

[docs]class HafasClient: """ The interface between the user's program and pyHaFAS internal code. :param profile: `Profile` to be used :param ua: (optional, not recommended to change) The user-agent which will be sent to HaFAS. By default "pyhafas", but is often overwritten by profile to emulate the app. :param debug: (optional) Whether debug mode should be enabled. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, profile: ProfileInterface, ua: str = "pyhafas", debug: bool = False): self.profile = profile self.useragent = ua self.debug = debug
[docs] def departures( self, station: Union[Station, str], date: datetime.datetime, max_trips: int = -1, duration: int = -1, products: Dict[str, bool] = {}, direction: Optional[Union[Station, str]] = None) -> List[StationBoardLeg]: """ Returns departing trips at the specified station To get detailed information on the trip use the `trip` method with the id :param station: FPTF `Station` object or ID of station :param date: Date and Time when to search :param max_trips: (optional) Maximum number of trips to be returned. Default is "whatever HaFAS wants" :param duration: (optional) Minutes after `date` in which is search is made. Default is "whatever HaFAS wants" :param products: (optional) Dict of product name(s) and whether it should be enabled or not. Modifies the default products specified in the profile. :param direction: (optional) Direction (end) station of the vehicle. Default is any direction station is allowed :return: List of FPTF `StationBoardLeg` objects with departing trips """ if not isinstance(station, Station): station = Station(id=station) if not isinstance(direction, Station) and direction is not None: direction = Station(id=direction) date = self.profile.transform_datetime_parameter_timezone(date) body = self.profile.format_station_board_request( station, StationBoardRequestType.DEPARTURE, date, max_trips, duration, products, direction ) res = self.profile.request(body) return self.profile.parse_station_board_request(res, "d")
[docs] def arrivals( self, station: Union[Station, str], date: datetime.datetime, max_trips: int = -1, duration: int = -1, products: Dict[str, bool] = {}, direction: Optional[Union[Station, str]] = None) -> List[StationBoardLeg]: """ Returns arriving trips at the specified station To get detailed information on the trip use the `trip` method with the id :param station: FPTF `Station` object or ID of station :param date: Date and Time when to search :param max_trips: (optional) Maximum number of trips to be returned. Default is "whatever HaFAS wants" :param duration: (optional) Minutes after `date` in which is search is made. Default is "whatever HaFAS wants" :param products: (optional) Dict of product name(s) and whether it should be enabled or not. Modifies the default products specified in the profile. :param direction: (optional) Direction (end) station of the vehicle. Default is any direction station is allowed :return: List of FPTF `StationBoardLeg` objects with arriving trips """ if not isinstance(station, Station): station = Station(id=station) if not isinstance(direction, Station) and direction is not None: direction = Station(id=direction) date = self.profile.transform_datetime_parameter_timezone(date) body = self.profile.format_station_board_request( station, StationBoardRequestType.ARRIVAL, date, max_trips, duration, products, direction ) res = self.profile.request(body) return self.profile.parse_station_board_request(res, "a")
[docs] def journeys( self, origin: Union[Station, str], destination: Union[Station, str], date: datetime.datetime, via: List[Union[Station, str]] = [], min_change_time: int = 0, max_changes: int = -1, products: Dict[str, bool] = {}, max_journeys: int = -1 ) -> List[Journey]: """ Returns possible journeys between two destinations Possible journeys between two destinations are calculated by HaFAS and returned. It's also possible to add multiple via stations. :param origin: FPTF `Station` object or ID of origin/starting station :param destination: FPTF `Station` object or ID of destination/ending station :param date: Date and Time when to search :param via: (optional) List of via stations. The route is calculated via all of these stations in the order of the list. The stations have to be a FPTF `Station` object or the ID of the station. The default is no via stations. :param min_change_time: (optional) Minimum transfer/change time at each station. Default is the default that HaFAS specifies internal. :param max_changes: (optional) Maximum number of changes. Default is unlimited. :param products: (optional) Dict of product name(s) and whether it should be enabled or not. Modifies the default products specified in the profile. :param max_journeys: (optional) Maximum number of returned journeys. Default is the default that HaFAS specifies internal. :return: List of FPTF `Journey` objects """ if not isinstance(origin, Station): origin = Station(origin) if not isinstance(destination, Station): destination = Station(destination) for via_station in via: if not isinstance(via_station, Station): via[via.index(via_station)] = Station(via_station) date = self.profile.transform_datetime_parameter_timezone(date) body = self.profile.format_journeys_request( origin, destination, via, date, min_change_time, max_changes, products, max_journeys ) res = self.profile.request(body) return self.profile.parse_journeys_request(res)
[docs] def journey(self, journey: Union[Journey, str]) -> Journey: """ Returns information about a specific journey by its ID Useful if you want to refresh the data of the trip, e.g. the real-time data. :param journey: FPTF `Journey` object or journey ID :return: FPTF `Journey` object with current/updated information """ if not isinstance(journey, Journey): journey = Journey(journey) body = self.profile.format_journey_request(journey) res = self.profile.request(body) return self.profile.parse_journey_request(res)
[docs] def locations(self, term: str) -> List[Station]: """ Returns stations that are searched with the provided term The further forward the station is in the list, the higher the similarity to the search term. :param term: Search term :return: List of FPTF `Station` objects """ body = self.profile.format_location_request(term) res = self.profile.request(body) return self.profile.parse_location_request(res)
[docs] def trip(self, id: str) -> Leg: """ Returns detailed information about a trip based on its ID :param id: ID of the trip :return: Detailed trip information as FPTF `Leg` object """ body = self.profile.format_trip_request(id) res = self.profile.request(body) return self.profile.parse_trip_request(res)
[docs] def stop(self, stop): """ Not implemented yet. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def nearby(self, location): """ Not implemented yet. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def radar(self, north, west, south, east): """ Not implemented yet. """ raise NotImplementedError