Source code for pyhafas.profile.interfaces.helper.parse_lid

import abc

from pyhafas.types.fptf import Station

[docs]class ParseLidHelperInterface(abc.ABC):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse_lid(self, lid: str) -> dict: """ Converts the LID given by HaFAS. Splits the LID in multiple elements :param lid: Location identifier (given by HaFAS) :return: Dict of the elements of the dict """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse_lid_to_station( self, lid: str, name: str = "", latitude: float = 0, longitude: float = 0) -> Station: """ Parses the LID given by HaFAS to a station object :param lid: Location identifier (given by HaFAS) :param name: Station name (optional) :param latitude: Latitude of the station (optional) :param longitude: Longitude of the station (optional) :return: Parsed LID as station object """ pass